Friday, February 18, 2011


     After discussing about corruption in our last couple of blogs, Now let us discuss about the pillar of corruption. The most basic element of corruption starts from our education system itself. The childhood of the students begins in the schools itself where they need proper values and proper guidance towards life. But, do the students really get the values and guidance in the school is a big QUESTION. This question can be solved by thinking and trying to act for the answers to this question. We can get the answer of this question by fighting against this education system.
     The present education system of INDIA  is entirely MARKS ORIENTED and doesn't understand the TALENT of every student. Every child has his own specialty and talent in his own field. The recognization of the child's talent is very important at that moment of time. And that recognization or observation can be done by the parents. Only thing is that the parents should understand their child with his talented nature. They should know his field of interest and plan according to that for the child's future. But the present education system is COMPETITIVE  and it doesn't give any platform to the students to do something different or out of the box. Due to this competitive nature of this education system, some parents also get involved in this forcing their child to be marks oriented by sacrificing his dreams.
     Due to this pressure, those students who are not able to handle it commit suicides. After the suicides, the parents realize their mistakes. They should realize this now itself. The parents realize this at some point of life but the education system has never realized this problem. Because it may want the students to become bookworms so that  no student fights against them. The child who tries to do something different is never taken into consideration. Rather such children must be given a base to do what they want in their own talent field.

     Our message from this post is that the students must do something extraordinary in their life which will be beneficial for our country and they must be supported by their parents as well as the education system committee. In our next blog, we will discuss this topic further as it is never ending but can be ended properly by realizing that  "EVERY CHILD IS SPECIAL"
                                                                   JAI HIND.

Friday, January 28, 2011


     In our previous two blogs, we mentioned about corruption destruction in our country and about the ways to solve it. In this blog, we are going to mention about the different corruption scandals. Scandal can be defined as a DISRESPECTFUL and shameful activity which is performed against the principles of our country. Because of such scandals, India is still considered to be a developing country rather than a developed country even after 64 years of independence. Because of such conditions, We cannot imagine about the future of our country. Further, we will discuss about such scandals.
     First of all, Lets take the most controversial scandal in the state of Maharashtra. The ADARSH SOCIETY SCANDAL was a big issue in our country.
When this case was going on, Shocking evidences came before the people. These evidences not only included our ministers but also many IAS and IPS officers Which are considered to be the brave pillars of our country.
     The next scandal which can be taken into consideration is the 2G SPECTRUM. The rights were basically given by the ministers for the purpose of money oriented attitude. Technology is said to be the developing face of our country.
But, In this scandal, The wrong advantage of technology was taken and the rights were offered to the companies with more wealth and also on the basis of First Come First Serve basis.
     In a raid conducted by the income tax dept. of INDIA, IAS couples namely Arvind And Tinu Joshi  were caught with a huge amount of rs 360 crores in their house.  Even Film actress Priyanka Chopra was caught with a black amount of rs 8 crores.
     The recent collector scandal with oil mafia's is also in controversies. These personalities are the jewels of our country. But due to their irresponsibility, Our country is involved In the Shackles of such controversial scandals.

       What is the answer of we Citizens to this????
                                                                          JAI HIND..



Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A fight against corruption..

     In our last blog, we have discussed how corruption has disturbed our country and why it is rapidly spreading all over INDIA. In this blog, we are going to discuss about solving the problems against corruption.Transformation or changes are a part of life which depend entirely on our mindset.Transformation can be defined as a change which is made for a good or bad purpose. For what purpose we have to make the change depends on our mind.Corruption is spreading all over INDIA because of the poor mind set of the people.
     For instance, When an individual is born and becomes mature, He tends to follow the evil practices of the society as they are, rather than making any transformation in those practices. Also, He thinks that if others are tend to corruption, Then why shouldn't I?? Because of such poor mentality, Our country is suffering a lot. Also, We can take the example of our politicians who make promises before the elections but don't follow their promises. They also take the advantage of the poor mentality as well as the poor financial conditions of most of the people and try to make people corrupt even if they are educated.
     If a person is highly educated and involved in any kind of corruption, Then there is no use of that education because values and education do not teach anyone to be corrupt. These corrupt values are accepted by the person from the society rather than from his values and ethics. Every person thinks about himself first and then about the society if time permits.
     There is a wonderful saying in Marathi, "SHIVAJI JANMA WHAVA PAN SHEJARCHYA GHARAT".  This saying means that let the great personality SHIVAJI MAHARAJ be born for a great cause in my neighbors house rather than in my house so that my house is safe. This saying itself tells us about the poor mentality of our people. They don't want to fight against corruption but are trying  to adjust with it by forgetting all their moral values and ethics.

     Before fighting against corruption, We must CHANGE the poor mentality of the people. We must ensure that we oppose this system of corruption straight forward without any hesitation in our minds. We must think about our country first and then about ourselves. Selfish attitude must have no vacancy in our lives. Such positive attitude will not only help us  against corruption but also will bring our people together with unity.. This is our message to all the INDIANS on the eve of REPUBLIC DAY.
                                                                           JAY HIND..                                       

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Our Views On Corruption in INDIA....

     CORRUPTION has become a major problem in the attitude of the common man. Every common man when comes to birth thinks only about himself and his own family. His primary goals and major aims are to fullfill his selfish needs. For instance, after school, going to college, completing graduation, then getting a better government service job with a salary of around rs 50,000/-. And also getting some bonus on that in the form of corruption.
     Every common man thinks that there is a government to control the country. So why should we bother about it?? If every common man thinks like this, then how will the country progress will be a big question. For example, if the freedom fighters would have thought like this, then, we would still be in the shackles of the British dynasty..Many great movies consisting of messages about patriotism are made for the common man, but there is no difference made in his attitute..the difference is made only in the cinema hall for 3 hours...He stays, lives and dies like a common man. without doing something for the country.
     Due to this attitude of the common man, this gives free wings to the politicians to destroy the country with corruption. They give power to the cops on one hand and tie their hands to stop them on the other hand so that they can do whatever they want freely. Indirectly, they are taking the advantage of the democracy in India. According to democracy, every person has the right to fight against injustice. But whenever someone tries to do that, he is always opposed.But people must take the advantage of this right of democracy in a positive manner.
     Population is India's disadvantage but it can be used as an advantage if the manpower fights together with unity for truth and justice..If the people of India realize this and fight against corruption with unity, we will definitely head towards making a better INDIA..